How to Recieve the Global Seal of Biliteracy

for Individuals

The Global Seal of Biliteracy™ is excited to offer our global language credential to individuals seeking to certify their bilingualism. The Global Seal credentials language learners for workplace-ready skills in two or more languages as demonstrated through externally validated testing. Available in over 100 languages, the Global Seal of Biliteracy™ is awarded at the Functional Fluency™, Working Fluency™ and Professional Fluency™ levels. Inspired by the high school state Seal of Biliteracy™ movement, our program offers an opportunity to certify language skills no matter how, or where, they were acquired.

The Global Seal offers language credentials at no charge (cost of testing not included) as measured by one of our approved tests. Your serial-numbered Global Seal of Biliteracy certification can be added to an application, a resumé, C.V. or LinkedIn profile to officially document your proven level of language ability. Use your language credential to expand your academic or employment opportunities, qualify for a language pay differential or to just celebrate your accomplishments. We invite you to apply and test for the Global Seal of Biliteracy using our Individual Application.


Step 1: Apply

Celebrating language learning with the Global Seal of Biliteracy is a simple process. Go to our website at to learn about our program. To certify with the Global Seal program, click the APPLY button and fill out the online application selecting that you would like to earn a Global Seal of Biliteracy for yourself. The application will let us know who you are and how we can best help you meet your language credentialing needs. You can fill out the application before or after you have tested. If you are new to proficiency testing, it will be helpful to review our qualifying tests and requirements to determine which test to take. Our website includes FAQs as well as a contact form for questions. The Global Seal of Biliteracy application, a personalized serial numbered certificate suitable for framing, and fluency level-specific seal are free!


Step 2: Test

To award an individual with a Global Seal of Biliteracy, we require validation of your language skills in two languages. After completing the online application you’ll receive information on how to submit documentation to prove your first or native language proficiency as well as how to provide us with your test score(s) for the second language that you wish to credential. Individuals applying in the United States must include English as either their first or second language for Global Seal certification. Multilingual candidates are encouraged to apply for Global Seal credentials for each language in which they have proficiency.  We will happily refer you for online language proficiency testing at home with remote proctoring or you can submit results from approved proctored language proficiency tests that have been taken within the last 12 months.

Note: not all qualifying tests are available for individual certification by the Global Seal of Biliteracy. The Global Seal of Biliteracy offers three levels of certification: Functional Fluency™, Working Fluency™ and Professional Fluency™ on both the ACTFL and CEFR proficiency scales. Award testing can be done at any time of the year at any level. Global Seal does not cover the cost of tests.

Approved Tests for Individuals:

Avant STAMP 4S

Avant WorldSpeak

Avant Arabic Proficiency Test (APT)

OPI/OPIc + WPT coming soon

To find out what your current language skill level might be, take our language proficiency self-assessment.


How I Earned the Global Seal of Biliteracy in 4 Languages with Megan Niu


10 strategies for preparing for a proficiency test to qualify for a seal


Step 3: RecEIve

Once we have received your application, qualifying test scores, and supporting documentation, you will receive a Global Seal! We mail the signed, serial-numbered Global Seal of Biliteracy award to you together with an embossed seal for free! To celebrate, you can order an optional Fluency-level medal or lapel pin for a small fee. 


The Global Seal of Biliteracy™ organization, founded and sponsored by Avant Assessment, has an independent Board of Advisors who advise and guide the program’s mission.

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